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Equal Dignity

Word & Sacrament - Equal Dignity

Equal Dignity Dr. Gilbert Meilaender Senior Research Professor Valparaiso University In the traditional ceremony for the burial of a Hapsburg emperor in Austria, the corpse is carried to the door…

Identity in Creation

Word & Sacrament - Identity in Creation

Identity in Creation The Rev. Dr. Dennis Di Mauro NALS Regent Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church (Warrenton, VA) Can a ukulele create an identity? Lately I have become known as the…

The Patristic Theology of the Imago Dei

Word & Sacrament - The Patristic Theology of the Imago Dei

The Patristic Theology of the imago Dei Dr. Alexander H. Pierce Assistant Professor of Historical Theology North American Lutheran Seminary The earliest Christian believers sought to understand humankind in light…

Our Faculty

The faculty at the North American Lutheran Seminary Professors throughout the NALS network of institutions are of the highest caliber and are committed on providing a solid academic experience. NALS…

Community Life

Community Life Find yourself here. A local, yet continental community shared in faith. Each campus within the NALS Network prioritizes life together. It is the “in-between” time after classes, chapel,…


The history of the North American Lutheran Seminary When the North American Lutheran Church was officially organized in 2010, students were encouraged to attend a seminary of their own choice….